In today's digital environment, data is one of the most valuable resources, businesses are constantly collecting, analysing and actioning relevant data. To action the right data in Google Analytics you first need to make sure it is set up correctly.
1. Channel Overview

Depending on the size of the monthly report it is useful to start inputting data manually into a table, this will help familiarise you with the data (after you are familiar can create automated custom reports on Data studio). First get an overview of which channels bring in the most sessions, from Organic Search, Direct, Referral, Email, Social and Paid Search (total conversions).
What is your best performing channel?
It is always useful to compare the previous month (MoM) and the previous year (YoY). This is the key to start getting actionable insights when compared to the last month or year on year. Which channels are on a downwards trend or which channels are improving. This will give you a clear indication of which channels you need to increase activity on. Use colours to the top row to make patterns in data more visible, Red for behind and Green for ahead, compared to other periods.
2. Channel Specific Engagement

Next focus on engagement for each channel, some key metrics to focus on are New Users, Pages Per Session, Avg Duration and Conversions. Again it is useful to compare and colour code previous month (MoM) and previous year (YoY) metrics.

Next focus on engagement for each channel, some key metrics to focus on are New Users, Pages Per Session, Avg Duration and Conversions. Again it is useful to compare and colour code previous month (MoM) and previous year (YoY) metrics.
3. Return Users

Return users are loyal customers who come back to your most valuable pages. The engagement slide format can also be used to identify top pages, high converting and low avg time spent on the pages your loyal users return to.
4. Channel Conversions

Similar to the channel overview it is useful to get an overall view of channel conversions, again colour coding and comparing to previous month and previous year helps you see if you are on a downwards or upward trend. From here you can see which channel to prioritise.
5. Summary Slides

Lastly a summary slide can pick out the most important recommendations from each channel. Linking to channels which are struggling from low sessions or low conversion will help you see which actions to prioritise.